Online Global Debate for Young People on ‘Online Education’ and ‘Black Lives Matter’

Inviting young people from around the world to participate in an online, friendly debate about current global issues!
Young people have opinions about the world and its key issues, though their ideas are seldom expressed and shared in a meaningful way. The Global People Debate is a global online event that provides a stimulating space where juniors from around the world can express and nurture their opinions in a friendly debate with other juniors from around the world.
Our debates are held in English and are open to anyone from around the world between the ages of 14-18 years of age. Participants should have a basic conversational-level of English.
Debate #1: The Need for Physical Schools for Education
Sunday, August 9th, 2020 at 10:00AM~12:00PM Japan Time
Deadline to Register: Thursday, August 6th, by 11:00PM Japan Time
Debate #2: Is the Black Lives Matter Movement Affecting Positive Change?
Sunday, August 16th, 2020 at 10:00AM~12:00PM Japan Time
Deadline to Register: Thursday, August 13th, by 11:00PM Japan Time
$10.00 per Debate
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